UTMB Week 2019, Adventure Academy Hellweek, CGI UK Challenge and Andalucia Bike Race on HorizonSports this week.

UTMB 2019
HorizonSports brings you all the action from the UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc) from the 26th of August to the 1st of September. Every day highlights will be available and after the event we will bring you several in depth documentaries of what happened at all the races !

Adventure Academy Hellweek 2019
Hellweek is part of the adventuring education Adventure Academy Sweden. The purpose of Hellweek is to combine the theoretical adventuring edication with practical experiences in nature. Participants will have to push their limits through tough experiences such as lack of food, cold temperatures, lack of sleep, carrying heavy backpacks on all kinds of terrains … .

CGI UK Challenge 2019
The Snowdonia mountain range in Wales is the venue as more than 100 teams take on 3 days of physical and mental challenges, ranging from running and canoeing to anagrams and riddles, testing every core skill of both body and mind. Fitness is essential, but not enough – teams will need patience, strategy, intelligence and teamwork to succeed.

Andalucia Bike Race 2019
Andalucía Bike Race presented by Caja Rural Jaén gathered 800 riders from all over the world representing 26 different nationalities. The race is one of the world’s most important mountain bike stage races. Andalucía Bike Race 2019 started in Linares (Jaén) and finished in Córdoba, after six sensational days of competition.
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